
“Doctors declared that our 8 months old son wouldn’t survive more than a month unless a liver transplant surgery. Today he is 8 years old, very active, and renewed his own liver, growing healthy with Ayushakti’s miracle treatment”


Do you feel sick and exhausted waking up at midnight due to your kid’s frequent coughing, choked nose, sneezing, cold, and fever?

Are you frustrated and worried about your child having these symptoms :

1. Frequent cough, cold, fever, dust allergies, Asthma, ear infections, gum infections, eczema and skin allergies, hyperactivity, and poor concentration.

2. Low energy and no appetite due to strong medications.

3. Concerns of below-average weight and height.

4. Frequent health problems affecting his/her school attendance and performance in studies.

And you are not alone….

Even the healthiest child can get sick at any time during their growing period.

Childhood asthma relieved with a reduction in inhaler dosage within 6 months

“My son Parth was suffering from severe Asthma, cough, and dust allergies from his birth. He had to take a nebulizer regularly. It has affected his natural growth. Then, with Ayushakti’s treatments for 6 months, his overall health like memory, socializing, activities are improved and inhaler dosage is reduced now.”


All chemical prescriptions can have side effects in children such as diarrhoea, dizziness, allergic reactions, abdominal pain, weight gain, and many more…

Common Side Effects of Pediatric Drugs 

Children and adolescents with ADHD treated with central stimulants (CS) often have growth deficits.

The effects of long-term medication on growth in children and adolescents with ADHD: an observational study of a large cohort of real-life patients 

Immune deficiencies can cause a number of health problems in children like :

1. Frequent and recurrent pneumonia, bronchitis, sinus infections, ear infections, meningitis or skin infections, Inflammation, and infection of internal organs.

2. Blood disorders, such as low platelet counts or anaemia.

Primary immunodeficiency 

Frequent cough, cold, and fever – complete recovery in 2 months

Sidhi & Sunil Gaonkar

https://youtu.be/yihlriNKFkQ “Our son Harsh used to get coughs, colds, and fever every 8-10 days from his birth. We have tried other treatments, but the frequency of cough cold never reduced. Then with Ayushakti’s natural treatments, he recovered very well within two months. Now he hardly gets any cold or cough”.

Hyperactivity symptoms reversed in 7 months

Sheetal Patel

“My daughter Sakshi had problems with hyperactivity.
Managing her was very difficult. With Ayushakti’s natural treatments, within 7 months, she became very calm and started behaving like a normal child.
Will continue this treatment for complete relief”.

Now you know, even after trying several treatments, why your child’s suffering did not get long-lasting relief.

If you want your child to be active, more energetic, and gain 100% performance in school, it’s possible with Ayushakti’s “Child Care” natural solutions….

Don’t worry. Just by following the advice of Ayushakti’s doctor religiously, will improve your child’s health remarkably. It can prevent the recurrence with enhanced immune power, and finally, he/she will have natural growth mentally and physically.

Consult Ayushakti doctor to know the root cause of your child’s health problem

Ayushakti’s treatment helped avoid surgery in the stomach

“My son Dev was going through a lot of health problems at the age of 7. He was not able to eat on his own. I used to feed him through a syringe.
We had consulted many doctors, and all of them suggested surgery for his stomach or else, we will have to feed him like this for his whole life. We have decided not to go for the surgery and consulted Dr. Naram, and started Ayushakti’s natural treatment. Now he is 16 years old, 100% healthy, eats and drinks on his own. Dr. Naram came as a blessing in our life. My son’s life transformed with Ayushakti’s natural treatments.”


Ayushakti’s Natural “Child Care” program helped

97% of children get rid of the root cause of frequent health concerns by enhancing their digestion and immune functions naturally !!!!!

And you can see the improvement in 60 Days !!!!!

Here is how the “Child Care” program can transform your kid’s health:

Ayushakti doctors analyze your child’s cause of low appetite, low concentration, low energy with frequent cough, cold allergies or any other multiple health problems, if any, through video or face-to-face consultation. Then, they create a customized 3R treatment program using a blend of 6 proprietary tools like diet, lifestyle, home remedies, herbal formulas, & Marma plans.

The 3R Formula

These Simple Steps immediately attack the root cause and allow you to get long-lasting relief.

Here’s how we do it. First, we:

  • 1) Remove:

    Eliminate blockages, inflammation and remove toxins from the gut and intracellular cells through the right type of detox so that proper blood supply reaches the damaged organs and intracellular toxins are cleared.

Specs number reduced from -3.50 to -2.75 in 6 months

Master Rajaswas

“I had vision problem which was increased by -3.50. Then with Ayushakti treatments, within 6 months, it reduced to -2.75. Still continuing the treatment for complete relief.”

Memory and focus improved

Miya Kushastra

“I had problems of lack of focus and memory. With Ayushakti’s natural treatments and herbs, my focus and concentration improved remarkably, and now I am getting A grades in school.”

2) Restore:

Repair & restore the normal functioning of all the organs and especially the ones that are affected by the illness through the usage of powerful home remedies, diet, lifestyle changes, and marma pressure points.

My son’s overall health improved with good memory and natural growth

Client from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

“My son Ahmed was suffering from severe cough, cold, fever, and vomiting frequently. Then with Ayushakti’s treatment, within one year, his health is improved. No more vomiting; his digestion improved, and eating well. His weight and height improved. The frequency of cough, cold, and fever is almost gone. Additionally, his memory also improved significantly, and he is getting A grades in school. Ayushakti herbs are safe and natural for children, and we are very happy with this treatment.”

Autistic symptoms reversed completely in 5 years

Mrs.Meenakshi Jingdam

“My grandson Sahaj’s autistic symptoms started when he was 9 months old. Suddenly he stopped talking completely and crying and was irritable all day & night. Slowly he lost the ability to recognize people, things and finally lost his senses. Managing him was extremely difficult for us. Then, with Ayushakti’s Sumedhaprashan drops, we have seen a steady improvement in him month after month. 5 years we have continued the treatment with Ayushakti. Today he is a disciplined boy with a sharp brain, talks well, understands everything, studying in a normal school and getting 98% in his studies. His immunity has improved remarkably, and he has never fallen sick during these years. Ayushakti herb is proven as a “Sanjivani” for Sahaj”.

3) Renew:

Rebuild & renew in step by step manner using herbal formulas and therapies on damaged or weak tissues, thus creating vibrant youthful health and long-lasting relief from chronic health problems.

Ayushakti saved my daughter’s life – Delayed milestone transformation.

Sneha and Deepak Kamble

“From the age of 6 months, our daughter Aishwarya had a problem, and she was not able to stand or walk, no eye contact, extremely hyper. We approached 8-9 doctors, but nothing worked. Our life was miserable. Then with Ayushakti’s treatments, within 3 months, we have seen some improvements. Slowly, she started walking, talking, hyperactivity reduced a lot. Now she is studying in a normal school, mingling with other children, eating properly, and improving her health. Ayushakti has transformed our life.”

Now my son can give a speech on the stage with confidence

Mrs. S. India

“My 8 years old son was having difficulty in speech and communication, unable to keep eye contact, and lack of focus. Ayushakti herbs miraculously helped improve my son’s health. Now he is performing well in school with great focus. There was a time he couldn’t even say one sentence properly. Now he gives speeches on the stage with good eye contact and great confidence. That is one huge difference I have marked with Ayushakti herbs.”


Video/Face to Face Consultation With Our Ayushakti Expert

Your Customized Diet Plan Plays 50% Role In Improving Your Health

Your Customized Herbal Formulas & Detox Plan Creates Remarkable Transformation For Long Lasting Health


1. Boosts immune functions to relieve complete seasonal cough cold, allergies, breathlessness

2. Improves energy, appetite, memory, concentration

3. Promotes natural growth – physical and mental

4. Highest performance in studies and exams

5. Prevents skin allergies, or other infections

6. Calms down hyperactivity

7. Empower your children with self-confidence and a positive attitude

Headache relieved and height, weight improved

“My son Ashish used to get a severe headache for some years. Doctors were unable to identify what was the reason. His growth was affected, height and weight became stagnant. Then with Ayushakti’s herbal treatments, slowly, the frequency of the headache reduced. Now, very rarely he gets a headache. His weight and height improved and growing as a normal child.”


  • Enhanced long-lasting immune system to prevent any diseases.
  • A super-energetic child with a sharp memory, concentration, and IQ levels.
  • Normal growth with natural height and weight.

Reversed liver

Anita & Sunil Christy, Canada

“Our son Adrian Christy had been hospitalized since birth and had undergone necrotizing surgery. Due to high dosages of medications, his liver got damaged, for which doctors suggested liver transplant surgery or else he wouldn’t survive for more than a month. His tummy was like a balloon full of water, and it was growing. But we were not ready for this surgery and took the advice of Ayushakti doctor in India, and started the treatment when he was 8 months old. Following the diet and giving Ayushakti herbal medicines was very difficult, but we managed whatever Ayushakti doctor advised. Slowly his health was improving. Now he is 8 years old, very active and healthy. He has recovered completely from the liver ascites and is growing like a normal child. And he is brilliantly performing in his studies. We are thankful to Ayushakti from the bottom of our heart for this miracle treatment.”

Persistent cough relieved
in one week

Karen Pancholi, UK

“Last year, my 4 years old son had a persistent cough, and we consulted Ayushakti doctor and followed Kaphano syrup and D-Vyro tablets. Within a week, his cough was almost gone. Since then, he has not been sick with a cough. In the wintertime, we give him these herbs as preventive medicine, and it works as well.”

Our daughter’s frequent episodes of cough,
cold, and fever are gone

Dikta & Ajit

“Our daughter used to get frequent coughs, colds with high fever every month. Then with Ayushkati’s natural treatments, she didn’t even get a single episode of cough, cold, or fever. Additionally, she is more energetic, eating properly, and very active. We are extremely happy with Ayushakti.”

Click the book appointment button and start your child’s journey of LONG-LASTING HEALTH!


Can I take my other medications and Ayushakti herbal medicines and treatments together?

Yes, you can. Keep a 30 minutes gap between them.

How long will it take to relieve my symptoms?

As per our records and dozens of research published worldwide, most people find relief in their symptoms within 15 days to 2 months following our program.

Is this treatment plan safe?

Our Treatment plan contains 6 proprietary 100% natural tools which are research-proven, safe, and effective.

Do you have case studies of people who got relieved from chronic symptoms?

Yes, we have thousands of happy clients’ stories who have remarkably relieved their chronic symptoms. There are also several case studies published in the UK and US-based international journals.

How do doctors consult & understand clients over the phone without personal meetings?

Our doctors are given more than 4.5 million consultations. Hence, they are experts in analyzing the root cause behind many health conditions, looking at the face, checking the reports, and evaluating the detailed history of the symptoms. Once they analyze the root cause from an ancient perspective, they will plan the 3R steps for your complete healing using six proprietary tools.

Can Ayushakti doctors provide consultation for multiple health problems?

People come to natural healing as a last resort. That has made us experts in treating multiple problems by focussing on the root cause. As a result, multiple problems get naturally relieved.

Are herbal medicines costly?

Ayushakti herbal formulas are made of 10 times concentrated potent extracts. That is why they are effective and produce results. We also test them on highly sophisticated machines to ensure every batch had the same efficacy. We also test them for heavy metals, pesticides, and microbial counts to ensure your safety. Every batch is controlled for quality by the European laboratory that makes them expensive but effective and safe. Besides, our programs have helped people stop needing allopathic medications for their whole life and prevent surgeries. Against those expenses, if you compare, the savings are enormous.

Why should we buy medicines apart from home remedies given by doctors?

Ayushakti’s natural program includes 6 proprietary tools to create transformation at the root cause of your illness. These 6 tools work in synergy to create assured, long-lasting relief in your chronic symptoms based on our research on more than 1.5 million clients. The choice is yours. We never force anything.

Why is Ayushakti charging less for Phone/Video consultation?

In this pandemic, people cannot come to the clinic. So we want to help them as our commitment is to create real vibrant health in your life.

How can we trust the Payment Link? Why can't it be Fake?

Payment gateway which we uses have the highest assurance SSL/TLS certificate, which makes sure that no unauthorised person can access your sensitive payment data over the internet.

I am very old & don't have technology assistance. I cannot make payment. How can I go for a Phone/video consultation?

Not to worry. Our customer care assistant will help you over the phone to use the technology and make the payment easily using your bank account details or anything handy for you. Call toll free number or chat with to take personal help.

For a personal consultation, shall I carry any prior medical reports with me?

Bring or send us past medical reports/X-rays, if any. It will help Ayushakti doctors to analyze the diagnosis and plan a customized 3R treatment plan for your benefit.

Autism –
remarkable improvement


“My daughter is an autistic child. She used to get fits every month, and it was challenging to manage. Within few months of Ayushakti’s treatment, the frequency of fits episodes remarkably reduced. Continuing the treatments for great relief in Autism symptoms.”

Cough cold and running
nose relieved completely


“My daughter used to get severe cough, cold and running nose from her 3 months of age. With Ayushakti’s herbal medications for 8 months, her frequent cold and running nose complaints were relieved remarkably. She is very healthy now.”

Our daughter’s frequent episodes of cough,
cold, and fever are gone

Dikta & Ajit

“My son used to become ill with cough, cold and infections every month. With Ayushakti treatments within 2 months, his immunity increased and the frequency of cough and cold reduced to very minimal.”

Boils on face and swelling
relieved in a month

Vijaya Bhole

“I was very much worried about my son’s illness. He used to get big boils on his face. It has been removed with surgery in the past. Even after the surgery, his cheeks again got affected with boils and swelling around the nose. Then, with Ayushakti’s natural treatments, the boils started reducing, and within a month, it’s completely gone. The swelling around the nose also gone remarkably.”

Cough, cold
and allergies

Arti & Anand

“Our son, 6 years old Aryan’s 4 years of frequent cough, cold and allergies have gone with Ayushakti herbs. He is more energetic and happy now.”

Our daughter’s frequent episodes of
cough,cold, and fever are gone

Dikta & Ajit

“My son Parth was suffering from severe Asthma, cough, and dust allergies from his birth. He had to take a nebulizer regularly. It has affected his natural growth. Then, with Ayushakti’s treatments for 6 months, his overall health like memory, socializing, activity is improved, and inhaler dosage reduced now.”


Google Review

The treatment is very good. My daughter had eczema and only after 3 months her itching stopped and her allergy medicine was stopped. Iots of thanks to Dr. Smita Pankaj Naram, Dr. Reshma shelar. And the support team. Now she can sleep at night because of u guys I’m really grateful.

Nandita Bhuyan

Google Review

Excellent team of doctors, they make us feel very comfortable and listen to us with great patience. very calm and serene place to visit for our health issues that is sorted out by well experienced doctors.

Heena Lalan

Google Review

This place has prominently provided me best health recovery experience. Any person with long term recurring diseases should personally visit here as ayushakti medical treatment is long term but has very good recovery also without any side effects …staff member or faculties here are very much kind and helpful.

Chandrakant Pashte

Google Review

Best ayurvedic center for children…… Sumedha prashan.

Imran khan


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    Treatments: Arthritis | Asthma | Weight Loss | Skin | Infertility | Acidity | Diabetes | Stress | PCOS - PCOD | Hairfall | Knee Pain | Blood pressure | Thyroid | Headache | Cold Cough | Child problems


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