
Now I am free from harmful medications

”Within six months of Ayushakti’s treatment, my blood sugar and Hba1C have come down from 9.0 to 6.0, and my blood pressure has dropped to 110/74. By following Ayushakti Dietary Guidelines and herbs, now my GP has stopped all prescription medications”.


Are you fed up of trying different dietary plans and diabetes packages which only helped temporarily reducing few pounds about your reports shows elevated blood sugar levels?

Are you sick of increasing the medication dosages and insulin many times over but still your blood sugar levels are never controlled and you are suffering from weakness, muscle spasm, unhealed wounds?

Are you frustrated trying many therapies to boost your energy for a happy married life but you are unable to enjoy due to the prolonged weakness?

Does the fear of future complications of long term medications like heart blocks, kidney problems, vision difficulties bother you every day and you do not know how to handle them?

Due to frequent urination at night, many of you might experience interrupted sleep and you feel tired, less focus and no energy to do routines at home and work place. Also craving for food make you over eat resulting in you becoming obese and an increase in blood pressure levels. This can again increase the sugar levels.


And you are not alone…

I feel fresh and energetic, lost 10 kgs with controlled Diabetes

“Ayushakti’s diabetox treatment for five weeks helped control my diabetes which I was suffering from for a few years. I feel fresh, energetic and have lost 10 kgs”.


Erectile Dysfunction prevalence among diabetic men range from 27 to 75% (9–29).

Men with diabetes can be at a significantly higher risk for Erectile Dysfunction than non-diabetic men. This is due to the damages to nerves and blood vessels in diabetes conditions.



Diabetes drugs can sometimes cause side effects or may not mix well with other medicines you take and you experience symptoms like upset stomach, B12 deficiency, unusual weakness, tiredness, sleepiness, breathing difficulties, muscle pain, urinary tract infections, yeast infections or a serious condition called lactic acidosis.

Some drugs can raise the chances of having heart problems and an increase in blood markers of a stressed liver. The most common side effect of insulin therapy is low blood sugar. You may also have headaches, rashes, dizziness, anxiety, cough, and dry mouth.


Long-term complications of diabetes develop gradually. The longer you have uncontrolled diabetes —the higher the risk of complications.

The serious complications of having long term diabetes include heart blocks, heart attacks, nerve damage (neuropathy), Kidney damage, retinopathy, foot damage, skin infections, hearing impairment, Alzheimer’s disease and depression.


I feel fresh and energetic with controlled Diabetes within 2 months of Ayushakti treatment

“High diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol made my life hell with lots of medications and still was not getting any relief from all these problems. Then my wife brought me to Ayushakti center and started the treatments. I am amazed at the true results of Ayurvedic treatments in controlling my Diabetes. High Blood pressure and cholesterol are also under control now. I feel very fresh and light with this treatment”.


Now you know why you need to control your blood sugar levels and stop insulin dependency by removing the root cause.

Popping high doses of prescription medications and insulin therapy cannot remove the root cause of Diabetes. Only by building robust metabolism and pancreas functions can help balance the blood sugar levels for the long term. This way, you will be able to enjoy your favourite food without the fear of hiking blood sugar levels.

But don’t worry. Building a robust metabolism is not that difficult, and it does not cost you money for the whole of your life. If you follow the right natural plans, you will be able to manage a healthy and balanced sugar level with your own insulin uptake easily and effectively for the lifetime with zero complications.

4 years of high blood sugar & cholesterol got reduced

“I was suffering from high blood sugar and high cholesterol for four years. Ayushakti herbs, diet and home remedies helped reduce dependency on other medications and controlled my blood sugar levels. The cholesterol levels also became normal with this treatment.


So, how are you going to manage your diabetes and experience great energy with no infections and perfect digestion?

Is there a system to get a perfect diabetic control plan for long-lasting relief that you deserve?

Yes, there is. That is exactly what this page is all about….

My prescription medications reduced, and insulin stopped within one month

“Within one month, Ayushakti’s Natural Treatments stopped insulin dosage, and my prescription medicine dose also reduced. I feel fresh and no weakness now. My diabetes report shows normal sugar levels within one month. Now I follow Ayushakti’s diet and herbal remedies for controlling my diabetes”.


Ayushakti’s “3R formula” in the “Diabetox” program is the ultimate solution to get balanced blood sugar levels within 90 days!

Here is how the 3R formula can transform your health:

Ayushakti doctors analyze your cause of high blood sugar & insulin dependency and other multiple health problems, if any, through video or face-to-face consultation & create customized “3R” Diabetox program using a blend of 6 proprietary tools like Diet, Lifestyle, Home Remedies, Herbal Formulas, Marma Points & Detox Plans.

The 3R Formula


1) Remove:

Removes blocks of amyloid deposits or Aama toxins and stimulate the insulin secretions to make it available to convert the sugar to energy.

2) Restore:

Repair and restores metabolism and digestion through special diet and herbal treatments. You experience more energy, fast healing of wounds, reduction in numbness and muscle spasm.

3) Renew:

Rejuvenates and strengthens the pancreas functions to allow your body to use your own insulin effectively. You will experience stable and controlled blood sugar levels for long term. The nourishment to overall body functions helps prevent severe complications on your kidneys, eyes, arteries, heart, liver, nerves, and joints for the long term.

High sugar and high blood
pressure controlled

Due to my lifestyle, I was having high blood pressure and elevated sugar levels. Ayushakti’s natural treatment for 6 weeks helped me balance the blood pressure and control the sugar levels remarkably. All the more, I restored my energy level, felt healthier and lost 20 pounds. Ayushakti treatment methods are very effective in treating chronic lifestyle diseases. I want to continue this treatment for a healthy body, healthy mind.

Eugene Adams, USA.

3 weeks of Ayushakti’s Diabetox
treatment controlled my sugar level

“I was taking allopathic from past two years, twice a day, but nothing had changed in my high sugar levels. Then, after 3 weeks of Ayushakti’s Diabetox treatment, my fasting sugar came down from 180 to 128 and post-lunch sugar from 230 to 140. Now I continue the herbal remedies for balancing the sugar levels naturally. Thanks to Ayushakti.

Mr. Shashi, USA

My wife’s Diabetes controlled within 3 weeks of Ayushakti treatments

“My wife Anjali Joshi was suffering from uncontrolled Diabetes for 12 years. Fasting sugar was around 359, and post food sugar level was more than 450 always. Whenever sugar increases, the doctor increases the medicine dosage, but it was still not under control and finally started insulin injections. Then we have started Ayushakti’s natural treatment, and within 15 days, her sugar level came down to 70/147. Her physician stopped her insulin dosages and reduced the medications also. Now she is taking only Ayushakti herbal medicines and following the diet and her sugar level is in balance always”. Thanks, Ayushakti.

S.V. Joshi, Mumbai.

Diabetes Neuropathy and weakness completely relieved

“I was suffering from Diabetes and high blood pressure for many years. I had a burning and frequent urination. Due to diabetes neuropathy, I had weakness and difficulty walking. With Ayushakti’s natural treatments, prescription medications are reduced, and there is no need for insulin dosages. The frequent urination has been reduced remarkably, with no burning sensations and weakness. Additionally, my blood pressure is also under control. I am continuing Ayushakti treatments for long-term relief”.

Dinesh, UK

Blood sugar Hba1C controlled in 4 months

60 years old Vinodini Manwar came to Ayushakti through someone’s reference. She had complaints of severe hip pain, swollen face and constipation for the past many years. Her main health problem was high blood sugar levels for which she was taking prescription dosages and insulin, 20 units in the morning and 35 units at night, for the past 32 years. Her Hba1C was 10.01 in August of 2016. She was also on medication for thyroid problems and her body weight was 71 kg.

30-8-2016: We have started Ayushakti’s Diabetox plan with a very specific diet plan, herbal supplements, home remedies and detox cleansing treatments. After one month of diabetox therapies, she has got a phenomenal 95% reduction in back and hip pain. Her insulin dosage has been reduced from 55 units to 45 units a day.

01-10-2016: Started with the Rasayana (rejuvenation) treatment in the diabetox program, her energy level improved, constipation relieved and body weight reduced by 4 kgs.

10-11-2016: No complaints of back pain or constipation. There was a remarkable improvement in her overall health. Insulin dosage further reduced to 40 units per day. Reduction in frequent urination also improved her confidence level.

8-12-2016: Her Hba1C report showed a substantial reduction from 10.1 to 7 and urine sugar was absent.

With the 4 months Diabetox Treatment, her quality of life improved, body pain and back pain have completely gone. She does not need any painkillers now. Her digestion is better, anxiety and stress level reduced remarkably and her blood sugar level is under control now. As a side benefit, her thyroid problem has also been relieved and she lost 4 kgs. She feels fresh, has better energy and is completely satisfied with this transformation. She still continues the diet and herbal supplements for more profound relief from insulin dependency.

Case study by Dr. Rajeshree Mehta, Ayushakti hospital, Mumbai..


Years of Excellence



Clinics Globally

Here is a sample of what you will get when you book a consultation with an Ayushakti doctor.


Video/Face to Face Consultation With Our Ayushakti Expert

Your Customized Diet Plan Plays 50% Role In Improving Your Health

Your Customized Herbal Formulas & Detox Plan Creates Remarkable Transformation For Long Lasting Health


1. Restores robust metabolism and digestion

2. Promotes strength to muscles, legs, improved energy, stamina and vigour

3. Balanced blood sugar levels and reduced or stopped insulin dependency

4. Balanced blood pressure and cholesterol levels

5. Able to reduce body weight and reduce risk of complications

6. Fast healing of wounds, less to no infections

And many more benefits….

Weight loss journey from 93.8 to 79 in 3 months & controlled diabetes

I was over weight for many years and was diabetic too. I was taking injections once a week to control my food cravings. Then with Ayushakti’s natural treatments for 3 months, I have got multiple benefits. I have not only lost my weight from 93.8 to 79 kgs, but also feel very active and energetic. My diabetes came down to the range of 5.5 level which was never possible before. Additionally, now I can walk 7 kilometres daily without breathing difficulty which was barely not possible earlier. My wife also took Ayushakti’s treatment and lost 7 kgs. And her knee problem is relieved. We are back to health with Ayushakti’s help.


Don’t try any single treatment until you have consulted an Ayushakti Doctor

Have you ever heard the expression, “Pioneers get scalped, but settlers prosper?”

The same applies here!

At ayushakti, we’ve already done all the hard work in the last 34 years, made all the mistakes, and figured out what works (and what doesn’t). And believe us, we made some mistakes “got scalped” a few times along the way…

…and our commitment is to create long-lasting health in you!!

That’s why we’re so careful to document each & every client’s results. We have more than 200,000 files demonstrating simple but clear plans that have worked again & again. We observed that every human being is unique. Hence, Ayushakti doctors with experience of helping 1.5 million people globally —creates customized plans based on your own needs.

So now you don’t have to go it alone!

Controlled high blood sugar levels and freedom from back pain in 2.5 months

I had severe back pain, digestion problem and my blood sugar level was high. 2.5 months of Ayushakti’s Natural Treatment helped me regain my energy level, I feel great with very less pain, my digestion improved a lot and the blood sugar is controlled with Ayushakti herbs.



1• Healthy and controlled blood sugar levels

2• Strong digestive functions for the long term

3• Stop the dependability on strong medications and insulin and their serious side effects

4• Improved quality of life with healthy heart, kidney, liver and neurological functions

The choice is yours….

Start your “balanced diabetes transformation” NOW!!


Can I take my other medications and Ayushakti herbal medicines and treatments together?

Yes, you can. Keep a 30-minute gap between them.

Is there a guarantee for improving my health?

We have been helping people for the last 34 years from 108 countries, and our doctors have given more than a 4.5million consultations, helping people with 300 different kinds of symptoms. We work on the root cause of the problem, and 90% of people get effective results in their health conditions.

How long will it take to relieve my symptoms?

As per our records and dozens of research published worldwide, most people find some relief in their symptoms within 15 days to 2 months following our program.

Is this treatment plan safe?

Our Treatment plan contains 6 proprietary 100% natural tools which are research-proven, safe, and effective.

Do you have case studies of people who got relieved from chronic symptoms?

Yes, we have thousands of happy clients’ stories who have remarkably relieved their chronic symptoms. There are also several case studies published in the UK and US-based international journals.

How do doctors consult & understand clients over the phone without personal meetings?

Our doctors have given more than 100,000 phone and video consultations. They are experts in analyzing the root cause of any health conditions through face-to-face or video consultation. They also check the reports and evaluate the detailed history of the symptoms. Once they analyze the root cause from an ancient point of view, they will plan the 3R steps for your complete healing using 6 proprietary tools.

Can Ayushakti doctors provide consultation for multiple health problems?

People come to natural healing as a last resort. That has made us experts in treating multiple problems by focussing on the root cause. As a result, multiple problems get naturally relieved.

Are herbal medicines costly?

Ayushakti herbal formulas are made of 10 times concentrated potent extracts. That is why they are effective and produce results. We also test them on highly sophisticated machines to ensure every batch produced has the same efficacy. Additionally, we test every batch for heavy metals, pesticides, and microbial counts to ensure your safety. Our batches are controlled for quality by the European laboratory that makes it expensive but effective and safe. Besides, our ancient proven treatment programs have helped people stop needing allopathic medications for their whole life and prevent surgeries. Against those expenses, if you compare, the savings are huge.

Why should we buy medicines apart from home remedies given by doctors?

Ayushakti’s Natural Treatment Program includes 6 proprietary tools to create transformation at the root cause of your illness. These 6 tools work in synergy to create assured, long-lasting relief to your chronic symptoms based on our research on more than 1.5 million clients. The choice is yours. We never force anything.

Why is Ayushakti charging less for Phone/Video consultation?

In this pandemic, people cannot come to the clinic. So we want just to help them as our commitment is to create real vibrant health in your life.

For a personal consultation, shall I carry any prior medical reports with me?

Bring or send us past medical reports/X-rays, if any. It will help Ayushakti doctors to analyze the diagnosis and plan a customized 3R treatment plan for your benefit.

How can we trust the Payment Link? Why can't it be Fake?

Payment gateway which we uses have the highest assurance SSL/TLS certificate, which makes sure that no unauthorized person can access your sensitive payment data over the internet.

I am very old & don't have technology assistance. I cannot make payment. How can I go for a Phone/video consultation?

Not to worry. Our customer care assistant will help you over the phone to use the technology and make the payment easily using your own bank account details or anything handy for you. Call toll-free number or chat with to take personal help.

For a personal consultation, shall I carry any prior medical reports with me?

Bring or send us past medical reports/X-rays, if any. It will help Ayushakti doctors to analyze the diagnosis and plan a customized 3R treatment plan for your benefit.

What are the Ayushakti herbs that I can consume regularly along with a diet plan?

Ayushakti’s expert practitioners will prescribe medicines and herbs to you based upon your lifestyle and dietary needs.

I am suffering from erectile dysfunction due to diabetes. Can Ayushakti’s Diabetox treatment help me?

Diabetox therapies helps restore all the functions including improved stamina & vitality naturally. You can experience gradual improvement in your sexual capacity.

Will my high blood sugar condition be gone completely forever?

Type II diabetes is a life style related problem. It has to be managed through the entire life. With Ayushakti’s natural herbal formulas, you can not only control blood sugar but also prevent damage to the organs as the herbs detoxify and restore the functions of all the organs.

Ayushakti’s Diabetox treatment
controlled my years old Diabetes

Anuradha Dopeshwar.

“I am 71 years old now. I had high blood sugar for several years and was on medications. I used to get tired very easily, feel hungry and thirsty very often. Then I started Ayushakti’s treatments. Within 3 weeks, I felt fresh and energetic—no tiredness or weakness. I can roam around and do whatever I want to do with much energy, even at this age. Ayushakti herbs are very effective and have no side effects. My allopathic dosages are reduced, and my blood sugar is under control now with Ayushakti’s treatment”.

I controlled my high blood sugar
level and lost 9 kgs within one month

Mrs. Purna Bhatacharya.

I had severe Diabetes for years, and the medications were not helping to control it. Then with Ayushakti’s natural treatment, within one month, my fasting sugar level came down from 285 to 162, and the post-lunch report showed a remarkable reduction from 437 to 164. Within this one month, I also remarkably lost 9 kgs. The customized diet plan and herbal medicines are highly effective, and I feel more energetic and have no tiredness. All of my family members are overwhelmed to see my health transformation.

High Blood sugar and
joints pain relief

Varsha, Mumbai

“I was suffering from diabetes and joint pain for several years. With Ayushakti’s diet, herbal medicines and detox treatments for 2 months, my joint pain is completely relieved and the blood sugar level is under control now.”


Google Review

I started getting treatment in Kalyan centre under guidance of Dr. Rajesh Nashine from 15th May 2021 initial Hb A1 c level was 11.4 % & mean plasma glucose level was 264.90mg/ml.After Diabetox treatment and Rasayna treatment my current Hb A1 c is 5.5 and mean plasma glucose level 112 mg/dl. Now feeling happy and energetic. Thank you Dr Rajesh Nashine, Chetan therapist and whole Ayushakti kalyan Center.

sonu vishwakarma

Google Review

My sister was diagnosed with diabetes. Dr Pranav had give three medicine. After two weeks time, sugar value reduced from 250- 280 to 110-130. Now she is free from allopathic which we are expecting. Thanks Dr. Pranav

Mohd Najimuddin


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