Ayurvedic Treatment For Thyroid

The thyroid gland is the powerhouse in our body that controls functions such as heartbeats and digestive functions. Without the right amount of thyroid hormones, your body’s natural processes begin to slow down.

How do Thyroid problems occur?

Dysfunctions of the thyroid gland can cause by iodine deficiency or autoimmune diseases. The immune system attacks the thyroid gland, causing inflammation of the gland, leading to hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, or Hashimoto thyroiditis.

Many medications also can cause hypothyroidism. If you’re taking any medications for some health issues, ask your doctor about their effect on your thyroid gland.

How do you know if something is wrong with your Thyroid?


1. Sudden weight loss or weight gain.

2. Fast heartbeat

3. Pounding of your chest (palpitations).

4. Nervousness, Anxiety, or irritability.

5. Excessive tiredness, trouble concentrating.

6. Heat intolerance, difficulty sleeping.

7. Hair loss.

8. Body shakes.

Ayushakti doctors analyze your cause of Thyroid dysfunctions through video or face-to-face consultation & create customized “Thyrotox” programs using diet, lifestyle, herbal formulas, & detox plans.

Restore Thyroid functions naturally

“I had thyroid problems for few years. My weight increased, and severe weakness was also there. With a specific diet, herbs, and detox therapies, my thyroid problem is completely gone. Weight reduced to normal and became more energetic and fresh. I refer Ayushakti treatments to all who are suffering from chronic health problems”. Asha Sunil Mane, Mumbai

“I had a thyroid problem for the past 4 years. I was feeling heaviness, week low energy the whole day, and severe hair fall. With Ayushakti’s treatment, she started feeling better with improved energy within one and a half weeks. The different therapies, diets, and herbs helped improve the overall health by 60%. Hair fall is almost stopped, and my skin became better. By the end of the treatment, I reduced few pounds, which was a bonus. I am delighted with this treatment”. Vimla, Mauritius

“For the past 10 years, I had a very itchy, red rashes on her scalp, face, the backside of neck and hands. My MD doctor diagnosed and told me that it’s an autoimmune, Thyroid, Psoriasis, and IBS problem. Then, with Ayushakti’s natural program, I got an 80% reduction in skin eruptions, 100% relief in IBS. Then following Ayushakti Herbs for one year, I did not even need any Thyroid medications too”. Paula, Germany

“I regularly get panic attacks in the morning, feel anxious, restlessness, nervousness which completely exhausts me. With allopathic academic treatment, I would have to take hormone pills for the rest of my life. But with ayurvedic treatment, it improved so significantly that there are no signs of Thyroid antibodies anymore in my blood tests. For the moment, I am back to the pink of health”. A.M, Vienna

“I developed Hashimoto –Thyroiditis – that’s a chronic autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland. It causes some restlessness in the body, not because I became nervous, but it eventually affects the body’s organs and the whole system. Since I started Ayurvedic treatment with an Ayushakti doctor, I feel much better, and I have been able to reduce the dosage of the medical thyroid hormones”. R. Kohle, Vienna

Ayushakti’s “Thyrotox” program helps in 3 steps to restore your Thyroid gland functions safely and avoid the risk of obesity, heart disease, infertility or diabetes.


Eliminate blockages, inflammation and remove toxins from the gut and intracellular cells through the right type of detox so that proper blood supply reaches the damaged organs and intracellular toxins are cleared.



Repair & restore the normal functioning of all the organs and especially the ones that are affected by the illness through the usage of powerful home remedies, diet, lifestyle changes, and marma pressure points.



Rebuild & renew in step by step manner using herbal formulas and therapies on damaged or weak tissues, thus creating vibrant youthful health and long-lasting relief from chronic health problems.

Why Ayushakti’s Natural approach?

Chemical medications cause long term dependency and may have side effects like :

1. Constant weight gain.

2. Infertility

3. Heart disease, shortness of breath.

4. Nervousness & depression, sleep problems.

5. Feeling tired.

6. Raised blood sugar.

7. Overactive Thyroid.

8. Headache, shaking.

Ayushakti’s natural approach focuses on removing inflammation, clearing the blockages from the thyroid gland, and improving hormonal functions without any medicine dependency, thus staying away from the risk of other chronic side effects.


Video/Face to Face Consultation With Our Ayushakti Expert

Your Customized Diet Plan Plays 50% Role In Improving Your Health

Your Customized Herbal Formulas & Detox Plan Creates Remarkable Transformation For Long Lasting Health

What are the remarkable benefits of the “Thyrotox” Thyroid program?

1. Balancing the Thyroid hormones.

2. Stimulating the immune functions & relieving inflammations

3. Improving the metabolism and thus reduces weight

4. Relieves stress, Anxiety, irritation, improves sleep

5. Reduces pain & stiffness of joints

6. Relieves heart palpitations.

7. Reduces dryness of hair and skin

8. Controls hair fall.

9. Lowers puffed face and eyes.

10. Regulates monthly cycle thus promotes fertility.


What is Hashimoto, and how to treat it naturally?

Hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune condition in which your immune system attacks your Thyroid, a small gland at the base of your neck below your Adam’s apple. The thyroid gland is part of your endocrine system, producing hormones that coordinate many of your body’s functions. Your reports will show TSH elevated while T3 T4 is low and TPO (Thyroid Peroxidase) Antibodies positive. TOP is an enzyme usually found in the Thyroid gland.

Ayushakti way of thyroid care through the “Thyrotox” program can keep the Thyroid function active, so your doctors would not recommend any thyroid medication.

I had hypothyroid (low Thyroid) and was taking medications. Now my report shows I have hyperthyroid. What to do?

Hyperthyroidism can cause by the intake of too much thyroid medication. Taking thyroid hormones that the body does not need may result in hyperthyroidism. Ayushakti’s “Thyrotox” natural treatment can help restore thyroid functions within 2-6 months effectively. To consult an Ayushakti doctor, click the link below.

What is Thyroiditis?

Thyroiditis is, inflammation of the Thyroid gland. It is usually caused by a viral illness. You may have generalized neck pain, sore throat, fever, chills, and a tender thyroid. The thyroid hormone inflammation causes an increased amount of thyroid hormone to be secreted into the body, causing hyperthyroidism. After pregnancy, some women – up to 8% – may develop a condition called lymphocytic thyroiditis, where white blood cells called lymphocytes accumulate in the glandular tissue. Thyroiditis can be diagnosed with blood tests and a thyroid scan. Ayushakti’s natural treatment plan help balances the Thyroid functions without taking prescription medications.

What is Thyroiditis?

Can excessive salt cause Thyroid problems?

An essential component of thyroid hormone is iodine. Excessive usage of iodized salt can cause Hypothyroidism or Hyperthyroidism. Some medications also contain large amounts of iodine and can induce thyroid dysfunction.

Can excessive salt cause Thyroid problems?

What is a Thyroid nodule?

Thyroid nodules are solid or fluid-filled lumps that form within your thyroid, a small gland located at the base of your neck, just above your breastbone. Very rarely, nodules may cause pain or discomfort. Some nodules become so large that they can be felt or seen often as a swelling at the base of your neck. It may cause shortness of breath or difficulty swallowing.

In some cases, thyroid nodules produce additional thyroxine, a hormone secreted by your thyroid gland. The extra thyroxine can cause symptoms of hyperthyroidism such as unexplained weight loss, increased perspiration, tremor, rapid heartbeat etc. Ayushakti’s natural “Thyrotox” treatment program effectively relieves Thyroid nodules and restore the normal functions before it become chronic.

Is there any diet that helps with thyroid problems?

Ayushakti’s expert doctor, after consultation, advises you with a customized “Thyrotox” program that includes a specific diet plan for your Thyroid problems along with some home remedies and herbal supplements. Book an appointment with an Ayushakti doctor.

What are the Ayushakti herbal supplements for Thyroid problems?

Ayushakti has effective herbal supplements to relieve thyroid problems from the root. Suhruday tablet for metabolism, Ojas tablet for Immune functions, Granthihar tablet for reducing inflammations and nodules.

These herbs, as a combination, helps remove the root cause and restore long- lasting healthy Thyroid functions steadily. In just a couple of months, most people feel excellent energy, no heart palpitation, reduction in swelling, good digestion, very stable emotions, no mood swing.

How “Thyrotox” program help in improving Thyroid functions?

“Thyrotox” Detox program combines customized diet, home remedies, herbal supplements, detox therapies, and marma (Ayurvedic pressure points). This combination helps improve the metabolism faster, balancing hormones, reducing inflammation, and improving overall energy levels.

Thus, you feel happy, no weakness, balanced and stable state of mind, and improved sleep quality. Further continuing with the herbs helps maintain normal thyroid functions and overall health for the long term even after discontinuing the treatments.


Excellent team of doctors, they make us feel very comfortable and listen to us with great patience. A very calm and serene place to visit for our health issues that are sorted out by well-experienced doctors.

Heena Lalan

I’ve always depended on Ayushakti for any problem as far as my health is concerned. I not only recovered but also got confidence after taking their medicines and doctors’ advice.

Ujwala Dighe

I heard about this from a friend, but this was a real blessing, the doctor listens to all your concerns tries her best to help. Thank you so much.

Laura Rodricks

One word to describe this place..EXCELLENT Right from the staff to the doctors everyone is friendly and helpful. Their services are excellent. My mom and I were taking treatment and trust me she has got 85 to 90% result within few weeks. My experience with them is best.

Prachi Mane


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