
“Doctors in US declared that I would not live more than 3 months due to the fatal case of final stage of chronic artery disease and multiple brain blocks. Ayushakti’s miracle treatment program for 3 consecutive years saved my life !. I am enjoying my Life to it’s fullest”


Are you frustrated taking strong medications and still feeling weakness, breathing problem, rapid heart beat? Unable to walk due to shortness of breath ? The plaque formation in the blood vessels hinders normal pumping of the heart, weakens the heart muscles finally causes heart blocks, attacks and heart failure. This process of narrowing arteries begins 15-16 years before you actually experience symptoms.

A weak heart has these symptoms :

1 Shortness of breath with activity or when lying down.

2 Fatigue and weakness.

3 Swelling in the legs, ankles and feet

4 Rapid or irregular heartbeat.

5 Reduced ability to exercise.

6 Persistent cough or wheezing with white or pink blood-tinged mucus.

7 Swelling of the belly area (abdomen)

8 Rapid weight gain

9 Pounding, chest pain if heart attack

The causes of sudden heart attack or heart failure can be :

• Allergic reactions

• Any illness that affects the whole body

• Blood clots in the lungs

• Severe infections

• Long term use of certain medications

• Viral infections that attack the heart muscle

If you have Diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or obesity, that can weaken your heart muscles and increase your risk of heart disease like heart block, sudden heart attack or heart failure. When the blood circulation affects the kidneys, it starts shrinking and cause severe kidney problems and finally kidney failure.

And you are not alone…

Now I can walk without any support with health heart

“I had a kidney transplant and the transplant stopped working. My health was so bad that I need support of someone for walking. My heart health was so weak that I get breathing difficulty. Then with Ayushakti treatments for 3 years, now I am able to walk on my own, I can work. I regained my energy”.


Heart disease is the leading cause of death for several populations.


Heart failure can be life-threatening. People with heart failure may have severe symptoms, and some may need a heart transplant or a ventricular assist device

Coronary artery disease is the most common form of heart disease and the most common cause of heart failure.

Some diabetic medications and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may lead to heart problems or heart failure.


Even after angioplasty/stent, the heart can become re-blocked

70% relief in kidney problems, heart disease, high blood pressure, spin pain.

“I had multiple health problems like high blood pressure, heart problem, kidney dysfunction, and severe pain in the spine. Within two months of Ayushakti treatments, I have achieved more than 70% improvement in all my symptoms. I saved myself from modern treatment side effects with Ayurveda. Ayurveda is remarkable in treating any health problem.”


Now you know why it is important to take care of your heart health.

If you really want to improve your heart health, reduce risk of blocks, infections after surgery and prevent further complications for long term, only natural solutions can help you.

Ayushakti’s proven natural solution focuses on relieving the symptoms from the root through customized programs. If you follow all the advice correctly, you will soon be able to live a normal life with healthier heart functions for rest of your life.

Consult Ayushakti doctors to find the cause of your type of Heart problem

So, how are you going to treat your Heart problem?

Is there a natural solution to help you get out of this suffering forever?

Yes, there is. That is exactly what this page is all about…

The Proven Ancient “Heartox” program to treat your type of Heart problem from the root for lifelong

Experience healthy heart functions, reduced risk of blocks, relief in high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity

And prevent Heart attacks or Heart failure for long term in 90 days!

Here is how the “Heart Care” program can transform your health:

Here is how the “Heartox” program can transform your health: Ayushakti doctors analyze your cause of Heart disease and other multiple health problems, if any, through video or face-to-face consultation & create customized “Heartox ” programs using a blend of 6 proprietary tools like diet, lifestyle, home remedies, herbal formulas, & detox plans.

The 3R Formula

  • 1) Remove:
    Melts and remove the thick layer of fatty deposits or plaque from the blood vessels. Thus open up the narrowed blood vessels and helps smooth blood flow to over all body. You feel more energy, reduced weakness, reduction in swelling of feet and ankles.


    Reversed heart blocks with Ayushakti’s natural treatments.

    “During my trekking trip of 8000 feet height, I felt uneasiness, breathing difficulty and weakness. Immediately consulted the base doctor there and he said I cannot go height that my heart is so weak. I returned to Mumbai and done angiography as doctor suggested and the result showed 5 blocks. Then with Ayushakti’d natural treatments, within one month, the 2D echo report showed an improvement of 65% in the heart functions. Now am able to walk without breathing difficulty and lots of energy. Then within 2 years my heart health become even more better. The dark patches on my face due to low blood circulation is disappeared.My diabetes also controlled and able to control my body weight with this treatment”.


  • 2) Restore:
    Repairs the arterial walls and relieves stiffness of heart muscles. Thus restores normal artery functions, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Prevents fluid accumulation and blood clots in the lungs thus prevents infections. Improved metabolism helps maintain body weight, controls blood sugar levels.

    4 heart blocks Dr. suggested surgery, but Ayushakti treatments helped avert surgery.

    “I am 63 years old. I was enjoying my lifestyle with good food and I used to smoke a lot every day. My family doctor suggested me to go for a heart check up and the report showed that I had 4 blocks – 2 of 80% and 2 of 90%. Doctors suggested surgery to remove blocks. But I opted Ayurveda and immediately I started Ayushakti’s natural treatments with a specific diet, herbs and therapies. Now it has been one year, my tiredness was gone, diabetes controlled and I feel great health. My quality of life is improved that I don’t need surgery”.


  • 3) Renew:
    Renewing and strengthening the blood vessels or arteries and heart muscles. Clean arteries ensure normal blood flow, thus regulates heart beats, relieve chest pain and shortness of breath for long term. The renewed heart functions prevent further damage and blocks thus save yourself from the risk of heart attack or heart failure. Protects your liver and kidney from damages. Promotes immune functions thus prevents infections to the lungs and heart.

    From 3 massive heart attack to healthy heart .

    “My condition was so bad that I had 3 massive heart attack. I had no energy, can’t even walk few steps due to breathing difficulty. I had muscle pain and joint pain. Then with Ayushakti’s natural treatments for 6 months brought a sudden dramatic transformation in my health. I could Breathe much better, joint pain and muscle pains have gone. Doctor cut down my prescription dosages except diabetes medications. In one year, I lost 30 pounds and restored my energy levels remarkably. My life quality is phenomenally improved with supreme heart health”.

    ~ MRS. S, USA.



Years of Excellence



Clinics Globally

Here is a sample of what you will get when you book a consultation with an Ayushakti doctor.


Video/Face to Face Consultation With Our Ayushakti Expert

Your Customized Diet Plan Plays 50% Role In Improving Your Health

Your Customized Herbal Formulas & Detox Plan Creates Remarkable Transformation For Long Lasting Health


1. Prevents risk of blocks, heart attacks and heart failure

2. Able to do your routines and exercises with improved breathing capacity and normal heart beat

3. Controls diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, Thyroid functions

4. Improved liver and kidney functions

5. Able to manage body weight

6. Improved quality of life long term

Don’t try any single treatment until you have consulted an Ayushakti doctor

Have you ever heard the expression: “Pioneers get scalped, but settlers prosper?”

The same applies here!

At ayushakti, we’ve already done all the hard work in the last 34 years, made all the mistakes, and figured out what works (and what doesn’t). And believe us, we made some mistakes “got scalped” a few times along the way…

…and our commitment is to create long-lasting health in you!!

That’s why we’re so careful to document each & every client’s results. We have more than 50000 files demonstrating simple but clear plans that have worked again & again. We observed that every human being is unique. Hence, ayushakti doctors with experience of helping 1.5 million people globally —creates customized plans based on your own needs.

So now you don’t have to go it alone!

For a very limited time, you will get a consultation at 80% off.

Normally, this consultation is at Rs 1500, but just for a limited time, it is at Rs 300.

Literally, you can have one of those fancy coffees at Starbucks at that price.


Heart health improved, lost 7 kg in 4 weeks

“One of my client respectable Lama from Tibet had diagnosed with heart blocks. His doctor in Malaysia advised bypass surgery but he has not done that. Later did Angioplasty with 3 stents. He was taking prescription medications for diabetes and high blood pressure too. Then he followed Ayushakti’s specific diet, herbs and detox treatments. He was religiously followed everything that we have suggested. Within 4 weeks, lost 7 kg body weight. His blood pressure became normal levels and stopped prescription dosages. Diabetes level controlled from 9 to 5.8. He feels very fresh and energetic like a young man at his age of 76”.



1. Healthy heart functions within 90 days

2• Able to stop the dependability on strong medications and their serious side effects

3• Balanced diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol and Thyroid functions

4• Improved quality of life for rest of your life

The choice is yours….

Start your “HEALTHY HEART” transformation now


Can I take my other medications and Ayushakti herbal medicines and treatments together?

Yes, you can. Keep a 30 minutes gap between them.

Do you have case studies of people who got relieved from chronic symptoms?

Yes, we have thousands of happy clients’ stories who have remarkably relieved their chronic symptoms. There are also several case studies published in the UK and US-based international journals.

Is this treatment plan safe?

Our Treatment plan contains 6 proprietary 100% natural tools which are research-proven, safe, and effective.

Is this treatment plan safe?

How long will it take to relieve my symptoms?

As per our records and dozens of research published worldwide, most people find relief in their symptoms within 15 days to 2 months following our program.

How long will it take to relieve my symptoms?

How do doctors consult & understand clients over the phone without personal meetings?

Our doctors are given more than 4.5 million consultations. Hence, they are experts in analysing the root cause behind many health conditions, looking at the face, checking the reports, and evaluating the detailed history of the symptoms. Once they analyze the root cause from an ancient perspective, they will plan the 3R steps for your complete healing using six proprietary tools.

How do doctors consult & understand clients over the phone without personal meetings?

Can Ayushakti doctors provide consultation for multiple health problems?

People come to natural healing as a last resort. That has made us experts in treating multiple problems by focussing on the root cause. As a result, multiple problems get naturally relieved.

Are herbal medicines costly?

Ayushakti herbal formulas are made of 10 times concentrated potent extracts. That is why they are effective and produce results. We also test them on highly sophisticated machines to ensure every batch had the same efficacy. We also test them for heavy metals, pesticides, and microbial counts to ensure your safety. Every batch is controlled for quality by the European laboratory that makes them expensive but effective and safe. Besides, our programs have helped people stop needing allopathic medications for their whole life and prevent surgeries. Against those expenses, if you compare, the savings are enormous.

Why should we buy medicines apart from home remedies given by doctors?

Ayushakti’s natural program includes 6 proprietary tools to create transformation at the root cause of your illness. These 6 tools work in synergy to create assured, long-lasting relief in your chronic symptoms based on our research on more than 1.5 million clients. The choice is yours. We never force anything.

Why is Ayushakti charging less for Phone/Video consultation?

In this pandemic, people cannot come to the clinic. So we want to help them as our commitment is to create real vibrant health in your life.

Why is Ayushakti charging less for Phone/Video consultation?

How can we trust the Payment Link? Why can't it be Fake?

Payment gateway which we uses have the highest assurance SSL/TLS certificate, which makes sure that no unauthorised person can access your sensitive payment data over the internet.

I am very old & don't have technology assistance. I cannot make payment. How can I go for a Phone/video consultation?

Not to worry. Our customer care assistant will help you over the phone to use the technology and make the payment easily using your bank account details or anything handy for you. Call toll free number or chat with to take personal help.

For a personal consultation, shall I carry any prior medical reports with me?

Bring or send us past medical reports/X-rays, if any. It will help Ayushakti doctors to analyze the diagnosis and plan a customized 3R treatment plan for your benefit.


My sister told me about Ayushakti Ayuverd treatment. I came all the way from Qatar I met Dr Reshma she explained me about the treatments. When I started with it I m feeling ok. All therapist n staffs r all good. Thank you so much to all.

Dilshad Shaikh

I must say that Ayushakti Ayurved is doing a very good work especially working with Dr Deepa, she gave me hope when I think that my case has no cure. He tried her possible best to see that my husband stand on his feet again. Thank you

Nneka Ikenna

Hello everyone I am jenissh mehta from Borivali and i am 16 years old. I came to know about low calcium,creatine,cyst in spleen in my body in September 2020 All were in tension and my all were very worried We tried homeopathy,allopathy and Dr jonwal clinic in chickoowadi which was very worst, senseless and then my mother found ayushati on Google and then we met doctor Priyanka katale and we followed all her prescription and diet and treatment . After 2 months my creatine came from 2.3 to 1.9 . And the treatment is going on. Hopefully my creatinine and cyst problem will be solved soon.


I am aditi kadam i am facing many problems from last 4 month .But now I am feeling better.dr ashwini borate madam gives excellent counselling and treatments i recovered vastly , i feel much better and staff is very good and co operative Thank you Ayushakti

Aditi Kadam


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