
2.5 years of IBS, stress relieved in 6 months

“2.5 years ago, I was really in bad shape with severe symptoms of IBS like huge abdominal pain, irregular digestion, and psychological problems. Ayushakti’s natural diet and herbs reversed all the symptoms in 6 months.”


Are you sick of going in and out to the toilet several times a day, still feeling incomplete emptying?

IBS is a chronic inflammation of the colon due to severe infections or food intolerance causing histamine reaction. The main symptoms of IBS are:

1. Stomach pain or cramps – usually worse after eating and better after doing a poop.

2. Bloating – your tummy may feel uncomfortably full and swollen.

3. Diarrhea – you may have a watery poop and sometimes need to poop suddenly.

4. Constipation – you may strain when pooping and feel like you cannot empty your bowels fully.

IBS can also cause:

1. Farting (flatulence).

2. Passing mucus from your bottom.

3. Tiredness and a lack of energy.

4. Feeling sick (nausea).

5. Backache.

6. Problems peeing, like needing to pee often, sudden urges to pee, and feeling like you cannot fully empty your bladder.

7. Not being always able to control when you poop.

Chronic IBS can even cause sudden loss of weight. Our bowels have folds, which pushes poop down. But inflammation smoothens these folds & thus, how hard you try, poop is not pushed out easily.

And you are not alone…

100% relief in 10 years old chronic IBS & Psoriasis

“For the past 10 years, I have had Psoriasis and IBS problems. Nothing has changed with prescription medications. Then, with Ayushakti’s natural program, I got 100% relief in IBS and 80% reduction in skin eruptions, itching, and rashes on my scalp.”


There is no medicine that can stop Irritable bowel syndrome.

About twice as many women as men have this condition. Certain foods can make your IBS symptoms worse.


People with IBS often have other symptoms like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, pelvic pain, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), depression etc.


Remarkable relief in IBS, anxiety, skin problems in two months

“I am 22 years old and have been suffering from IBS for a few years. Tried several treatments without any relief. Then with Ayushakti’s natural treatment, over a period of 2 months, I got considerable relief in my IBS, anxiety, nervousness, and skin problems. My entire body started improving at a very rapid pace.”


Now you know why the symptoms are getting worse without any chance of relief.

If you really want to reverse your symptoms forever, only natural solutions can help you.

Ayushakti’s proven natural solution focuses on relieving the symptoms from the root through customized programs. If you follow all the advice correctly, you will soon be free from all the symptoms such as severe pain, mixed bowel habits such as diarrhea, constipation, excessive gas and bloating mucus in the bowel, and incomplete bowels for the rest of your life.

Consult Ayushakti doctors to find the cause of your type of IBS

So, how are you going to reverse your IBS?

Is this a natural solution to help you get out of this suffering forever?

Yes, it is. That is precisely what this page is all about….

The ultimate “Digetox” program to treat your type of IBS from the root for lifelong

Experience healthy bowels, relief in abdominal pain, gas, bloating, and stop recurrence for

long-term in 90 days!


Here is how the “Digetox” program can transform your health:

Ayushakti doctors analyze your cause of Irritable bowel syndrome and other multiple health problems, if any, through video or face-to-face consultation & create customized “Digetox ” programs using a blend of 6 proprietary tools like diet, lifestyle, home remedies, herbal formulas, & detox plans.

3R formula of transformation


  • 1) Remove:

    Eliminate blockages, inflammation and remove toxins from the gut and intracellular cells through the right type of detox so that proper blood supply reaches the damaged organs and intracellular toxins are cleared.

  • 2) Restore:

    Repair & restore the normal functioning of all the organs and especially the ones that are affected by the illness through the usage of powerful home remedies, diet, lifestyle changes, and marma pressure points.

  • 3) Renew:

    Rebuild & renew in step by step manner using herbal formulas and therapies on damaged or weak tissues, thus creating vibrant youthful health and long-lasting relief from chronic health problems.

    90% relief in chronic IBS and depression.

    “I was suffering from severe IBS. As soon as I eat anything, I had to go to the toilet. Also, stomach pain was very severe. Ayushakti doctor assured complete relief if I follow a specific diet and herbs. Within 15 days, I got 60% relief in my symptoms. Within few months, I got 90% relief in IBS and additionally my stress and irritation also greatly relieved by 90%”.
    Shivram, Mumbai



Years of Excellence



Clinics Globally


Video/Face to Face Consultation With Our Ayushakti Expert

Your Customized Diet Plan Plays 50% Role In Improving Your Health

Your Customized Herbal Formulas & Detox Plan Creates Remarkable Transformation For Long Lasting Health


1. Restoring normal poop.

2. Optimum digestion, healthy gut.

3. Relief in stomach pain, gas, bloating, nausea.

4. Steady improvement in body weight.

5. Unlimited energy, enthusiasm & vibrant health.

IBS and depression reversal – No symptoms since 9 years

“Since 9 years, am just following Ayushakti’s natural treatment for my severe IBS, depression, and sleep problems, and I got a phenomenal 80% relief. Severe digestion problems and insomnia are completely gone. I have gained a lot of energy and mental clarity with the diet and herbs. My life is transformed with Ayushakti.”
Martina, Belgium

“From the year 2000, I was suffering from a severe IBS problem. I was following homeopathic from 2014 to 2018. But it did not make any difference in my symptoms. I had very bad continuous loose motions. Immediately after eating, I used to pass off the stool and had severe stomach ache. Then with Ayushakti’s specific diet and herbs for 2 months, I am feeling 95% better. I thought I would never come out of this problem, but Ayushakti transformed my life.”
Mrs. S



  • Healthy normal bowel movements for the long term within 90 days.
  • Stop the dependability on strong medications and their serious side effects.
  • Improved body weight with supreme energy and focus in your work without absenteeism.
  • Going out, eating your favorite food, socializing without the risk of embarrassing IBS episodes.

The choice is yours….

99% relief in 8 years of chronic IBS

“I had chronic IBS for 8 longs years. None of the treatments reduced the frequency of the loose motions and stomach pain. With Ayushakti’s natural treatments, I got 99% relief in IBS within few months, and my health is improved.”
Sampath, Aurangabad

Start your “freedom from IBS” transformation NOW


Can I take my other medications and Ayushakti herbal medicines and treatments together?

Yes,you can. Keep a 30 minutes gap between them.

How long will it take to relieve my symptoms?

As per our records and dozens of research published worldwide, most people find relief in their symptoms within 15 days to 2 months following our program.

Is this treatment plan safe?

Our Treatment plan contains 6 proprietary 100% natural tools which are research-proven, safe, and effective.

Is this treatment plan safe?

Do you have case studies of people who got relieved from chronic symptoms?

Yes, we have thousands of happy clients’ stories who have remarkably relieved their chronic symptoms. There are also several case studies published in the UK and US-based international journals.

Do you have case studies of people who got relieved from chronic symptoms?

How do doctors consult & understand clients over the phone without personal meetings?

Our doctors are given more than 4.5 million consultations. Hence, they are experts in analysing the root cause behind many health conditions, looking at the face, checking the reports, and evaluating the detailed history of the symptoms. Once they analyze the root cause from an ancient perspective, they will plan the 3R steps for your complete healing using six proprietary tools.

How do doctors consult & understand clients over the phone without personal meetings?

Can Ayushakti doctors provide consultation for multiple health problems?

People come to natural healing as a last resort. That has made us experts in treating multiple problems by focussing on the root cause. As a result, multiple problems get naturally relieved.

Are herbal medicines costly?

Ayushakti herbal formulas are made of 10 times concentrated potent extracts. That is why they are effective and produce results. We also test them on highly sophisticated machines to ensure every batch had the same efficacy. We also test them for heavy metals, pesticides, and microbial counts to ensure your safety. Every batch is controlled for quality by the European laboratory that makes them expensive but effective and safe. Besides, our programs have helped people stop needing allopathic medications for their whole life and prevent surgeries. Against those expenses, if you compare, the savings are enormous.

Why should we buy medicines apart from home remedies given by doctors?

Ayushakti’s natural program includes 6 proprietary tools to create transformation at the root cause of your illness. These 6 tools work in synergy to create assured, long-lasting relief in your chronic symptoms based on our research on more than 1.5 million clients. The choice is yours. We never force anything.

Why is Ayushakti charging less for Phone/Video consultation?

In this pandemic, people cannot come to the clinic. So we want to help them as our commitment is to create real vibrant health in your life.

How can we trust the Payment Link? Why can't it be Fake?

Payment gateway which we uses have the highest assurance SSL/TLS certificate, which makes sure that no unauthorised person can access your sensitive payment data over the internet.

How can we trust the Payment Link? Why can’t it be Fake?

I am very old & don't have technology assistance. I cannot make payment. How can I go for a Phone/video consultation?

Not to worry. Our customer care assistant will help you over the phone to use the technology and make the payment easily using your bank account details or anything handy for you. Call toll-free number or chat with to take personal help.

How can we trust the Payment Link? Why can’t it be Fake?

For a personal consultation, shall I carry any prior medical reports with me?

Bring or send us past medical reports/X-rays, if any. It will help Ayushakti doctors to analyze the diagnosis and plan a customized 3R treatment plan for your benefit.

How can we trust the Payment Link? Why can’t it be Fake?

For a personal consultation, shall I carry any prior medical reports with me?

IBS relief from 8 times loose motions to 2 motions per day

Umar Khan

“I had severe loose motions about 7-8 times a day due to IBS problem. With Ayushakti’s treatments, all the symptoms return to normal. Now the frequency of loose stools is reduced to 2 times a day. And my energy is also improved greatly.”

Loose motions, pain, and weight loss reversed with Ayushakti

Deepak Poddar

“I had a lot of problems with stomach, loose motions, pain, indigestion, gas, and weight loss. I had lots of weakness. Then with Ayushakti’s natural treatments, my weakness is gone, weight is improved, and I am free from loose motions.”


Google Review

Dr. Deepak Mahajan treated my mother for the Diarrhea Ayushakti clinic at Kalyan. Excellent treatment, speedy recovery with an affordable cost. Thanks to Dr. Deepak Mahajan & Ayushakti clinic.

Santosh Mishra

Google Review

Very good consultation Treatments are very good Doctor understands the patient’s problem very well. Good to attend the Ayushakti who has the health issues.

Ashok poojary

Google Review

I have consulted Dr. Deepali Shastri for my acid reflux problem…. Feeling Very much better n comfortable in a short period of time… She gave me confidence that I will be fine soon n l trusted and now I’m really better with the treatment. Thanks to the doctor and all staff.

Marshal Lobo

Google Review

Very nice treatment and results in Mahim clinic, All staff are so caring and professional in their work, doctors are so caring and concern for the patient, I recommend doctor, Dr. Neetu Patel, Her pulse reading is mind-blowing, All the staff are superb and intelligent. Thank you Team for good deed.

Shantilal Chauhan


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