
Psoriasis & Chronic fatigue – real transformation

“I found Ayushakti’s treatments exponentially effective in my clients like the way I got relief from my years old Psoriasis and Chronic fatigue”.


Are you ashamed of going out or meeting friends or socialize due to the red, itchy, oozing and scaly skin all over your body?

Are you frustrated with the long term use of strong prescription dosages and still suffering from the symptoms like constant itching, red patches with pain and puss formation without any relief?

Is your physician suggested additional medications to relieve the stress and anxiety you are going through due to the severe skin allergies and does not know what to do?

And you are not alone…

Childhood Skin Rashes have got 50% relief in just 10 days


“I was having frequent skin rashes and eczema on the whole body from childhood. In 10 days of following herbal supplements and a specific diet, I got a 50% to 60% improvement. Then I followed the detox plan given by the Ayushakti expert and got a remarkable relief from skin rashes. My 2.5 years of depression also got reduced with this treatment”.


Between 51.1 and 97 percent of people with diabetes will experience a related skin condition typically bacterial or fungal infections.


There is no cure for Psoriasis in conventional methods. Long term use of corticosteroids can make your skin thinner, could cause stomach ulcers, bone thinning, premature cataracts and many other medical issues and may stop working as well.

Many of the skin treatment products can irritate and dry out your skin and make you more sensitive to sunlight, liver problem, hair fall, joints pain, depression etc. Not recommended for pregnant women as it can raise chances of having child with certain birth defects.

Light therapy to control psoriasis outbreaks can cause higher risk of skin cancer.


Children can also inherit permanent skin disorders. Also inflammatory bowel diseases often cause skin problems like skin tags, vitiligo and allergic eczema.



10 years of PSORIASIS, Thyroid & IBS relieved completely


“I was suffering from very itchy, red rashes on the scalp, face, back side of neck and hands. My MD German doctor diagnosed it as autoimmune, Thyroid, Psoriasis and IBS conditions. Then with Ayushakti’s natural treatment for few weeks, I got 80% reduction in skin eruptions, and 100% relief in IBS. By following Ayushakti Herbal Supplements for one year I did not need any Thyroid medications too and got complete relief from all symptoms.”


10 years old Plantar Psoriasis 70% relief in 4 months of Ayushakti’s natural program. Now on Rasayana herbs for complete relief

Now you know why you need to get rid of Skin diseases from the root naturally.

Suppressing the symptoms through some treatments cannot remove the root cause. Only by building robust immune system and purifying the blood can remove the frequent skin allergies and eruptions for life long. And you can enjoy a healthy and disease free life.
But don’t worry. Building robust immune and purifying the blood is not that difficult, and it does not cost you money for the whole of your life as you don’t need to take any medication once you are out of Skin disease symptoms.

Consult Ayushakti doctors to find the cause of your type of Skin problem.
Ayushakti’s “3R formula ” is the ultimate natural solution to get rid of all symptoms and get complete relief within 90 days!

Here is how the 3R formula in the “Skinotox program” can transform your health:

Ayushakti doctors analyze your cause of specific skin disorder and other multiple health problems, if any, through video or face-to-face consultation & create customized “3R” formula in the using a blend of 6 proprietary tools like diet, lifestyle, home remedies, herbal formulas, & detox plans in the “Skinotox program”.

3R formula of transformation

These Simple Steps

1) Remove:
Eliminate blockages, inflammation and remove toxins from the gut and intracellular cells through the right type of detox so that proper blood supply reaches the damaged organs and intracellular toxins are cleared.

2) Restore:
Repair & restore the normal functioning of all the organs and especially the ones that are affected by the illness through the usage of powerful home remedies, diet, lifestyle changes, and marma pressure points.

3) Renew:
Rebuild & renew in step by step manner using herbal formulas and therapies on damaged or weak tissues, thus creating vibrant youthful health and long-lasting relief from chronic health problems.

13 years of whole body psoriasis – Effective Results within 3 months of Ayushakti’s Skinotox detox program.

The patient had chronic psoriasis from the year 2003 i.e. almost 15 years! He had psoriatic patches on the entire body with constant itching and red patches. His body was dropping the silvery flakes throughout due to the itching and dryness. He tried many allopathic treatments with some temporary relief. In 2017 his symptoms flared upon a great scale. He lost his confidence and was under stress, unable to socialize due to the severe scaling flaky skin conditions for years which again aggravated the symptoms more.

Ayushakti’s Skinotox treatment results

He has referred by one of his friend to Ayushakti for the treatment. When he visited Ayushakti, his pulse was showing high amount of heat (pitta) and air (vata) along with hyper active immune symptoms. So the focus of the treatment was to balance the auto immune and remove the toxic mucous (aam) from his body through a planned Skinotox program. Skinotox treatment program include diet, herbal formulas and detox panchkarma.

Diet & herbal formula effect: The customized diet and herbal formulas and local application lotion helped stop further flare up symptoms within the first 20 days.

Skinotox detox therapies got 40% improvement: The daily therapies, and after the virechan (Purgation therapy), he has got 40% improvement. Silvery scaling has completely stopped, itching reduced remarkably and redness on the skin also pacified. His stress level reduced, and he started interacting with people more confidently. The various herbal decoction enemas for another 15 days helped repair the skin cells on a deeper level; thus, skin appearance became clearer day by day.

Rasayana (rejuvenation) effect 80% improvement: Post detox, the treatment focus was to further control the auto immune symptoms through Rasasyana (rejuvenation) program for another 60 days. Rasayana herbs also helped him rejuvenate the whole body cells and tissues, thereby promoting clear skin with complete relief from Psoriasis.

Today he is just continuing the strict diet that includes, No wheat, No dairy, No sour, and fermented foods to prevent further flare ups, continuing the Ayushakti herbal formulas Skintonic and Suniram for blood purification and overall renewal of the skin cells and muscles tissues from the deeper root. It would also improve the skin texture and color along with Ojas formula to balance the auto-immune process.

Improvements in symptoms :

Silvery flaky skin – completely stopped
Itching– completely stopped
Fair up- 100% stopped
Skin color & texture – 80% improvement
Emotions & stress- relieved remarkably & improved confidence level.

Case study by Dr. Rajeshjree Mehta, Ayushakti hospital, Mumbai.

Skin Itching, pigmentation, rashes complete relief

”I had a problem of skin itching, pigmentation and rashes since 2 years. Allopathic treatment did help me temporarily but the skin problems would come back again. I was in a lot of pain and metal trauma because of this. I could not sleep at night due to this severe itching. Then I started Ayushakti’s Skinotox treatment program and within one month I have seen a phenomenal result which I have never got in last two years with conventional treatments. I have been sleeping well at night, my confidence level and interaction with people improved a lot. Itching is reduced by 80%, the dark patches on skin is reduced and my doctor advised that it will take time to get the clear normal skin. Am following the diet and herbs for complete relief”.




Years of Excellence



Clinics Globally

Here is a sample of what you will get when you book a consultation with an Ayushakti doctor.


Video/Face to Face Consultation With Our Ayushakti Expert

Your Customized Diet Plan Plays 50% Role In Improving Your Health

Your Customized Herbal Formulas & Detox Plan Creates Remarkable Transformation For Long Lasting Health


1. Remarkable relief from Itching, scaling, red thick patches, inflammation and oozing skin

2. Retrieves normal clear skin texture.

3. Prevents relapses for long term.

4. Relieves depression and anxiety.

5. Balances immune system.

6. Reduces frequency of recurring skin allergies, rashes, boils on face, neck and forehead

7. Relieves chronic years old acne, pimples, urticarial, dermatitis, Psoriasis effectively

Freedom from skin rashes

https://youtu.be/r_Qbadoo4Oc““Ayushakti’s natural treatment helped me get relief from frequent skin rashes. Additionally I got complete relief from my 20 years old joint pain”.


Don’t try any single treatment until you have consulted an Ayushakti doctor

Have you ever heard the expression: “Pioneers get scalped, but settlers prosper?”

The same applies here!

At ayushakti, we’ve already done all the hard work in the last 34 years, made all the mistakes, and figured out what works (and what doesn’t). And believe us, we made some mistakes “got scalped” a few times along the way…

…and our commitment is to create long-lasting health in you!!

That’s why we’re so careful to document each & every client’s results. We have more than 150,000 files demonstrating simple but clear plans that have worked again & again. We observed that every human being is unique. Hence, ayushakti doctors with experience of helping 1.5 million people globally —creates customized plans based on your own needs. eds.

So now you don’t have to go it alone!

For a very limited time, you will get a consultation at 80% off.

Normally, this consultation is at Rs 1500, but just for a limited time, it is at Rs 300.

Literally, you can have one of those fancy coffees at Starbucks at that price.

Go for it and enjoy your life of FREEDOM FROM SKIN DISEASES!

Psoriasis and depression relieved remarkably

“I had severe depression from more than 10 years and chronic psoriasis from past 6 years. The constant itching used to cause bleeding from the skin. Tried several treatments without any relief. Then with Ayushkati’s treatment for 3 months, now I am free from my depression medication and the skin itching reduced by 80%. I am still on herbal medications for complete relief in Psoriasis”.


Finally, you are going to experience the happiness of:

  • Freedom from your years old chronic skin problems within 90 days
  • Full confidence to go out and socialize with friends relatives
  • Stop the dependability on strong medications and their serious side effects
  • Healthy and strong immune system to prevent diseases long term and improved quality of life forever

The choice is yours….

Years old Shingles
got relieved remarkably

Sunny, UK

“I had symptoms of Shingles for 4 years. The itching, pain, burning and blisters affected my routines badly. Tried many different treatments but nothing worked out. Then with Ayushakti’s natural diet and herbal medications for 6 months, now the symptoms are remarkably less. I am very happy with this treatment and confident to get complete relief soon”.

From 6 years old pigmented
skin to clear skin in 3 months

Riten Jhaveri

“I was suffering from skin pigmentation for 6 years. My face skin became dark. Tried all treatment methods including chemical creams, sunscreen without any relief. Then with Ayushakti’s natural diet and herbs for 3 months, my skin is 85% better and my confidence improved. Additionally, my overall health is improved remakably with this treatment”.


80% relief in 2 years old Psoriasis & severe itching within 3 months

“I was having Psoriasis for 2 years. The uncontrollable itching in many parts of the body made my life horrible. Then with Ayushakti’s treatment, itching is remarkably reduced within 20 days. By the end of 3 months, I have got 80% relief in Psoriasis eruptions and the itching was completely stopped. Additionally I lost 6 kgs. Body weight. Feel more energetic with clear skin. My Ayushakti doctor suggested to continue the diet and herbs for few more months for complete relief”.

Complete relief in Years old Psoriatic eczema within 12 months

Ms.S from the UK was suffering from Psoriatic excema from childhood. Ayushakti’s diet, home remedies, and Herbal Supplements for 12 months, she got complete relief. She continued all the advises including specific diet and herbal supplements for few more months and restored skin as beautiful, normal, and supple as before.


I was suffering from Migraines and Acidity for several years. Ayushakti’s diet and herbs followed for just 6 months, and I have got complete relief! Feels more energetic and healthier. My wife’s allopathic dosages for high blood pressure and cholesterol have been reduced with Ayushakti Treatments. Ishwar


I was suffering from Acidity, prediabetic, and high blood pressure. With the Ayushakti cleansing plan, my Acidity is just gone in 10 days!. The Gases under control reduced few pounds and feel a lot better and more energetic. Chandrakant P, UK

20 years old Psoriasis, scaly eruptions, itching, bleeding, Pain got complete recovery in 9 months !

It is a healing journey of Mrs. Shweta Gupta from Indore, India, a case of Psoriasis. She has had a history of Psoriasis for the past 20 years. She visited our Ayushakti center in Mumbai in March 2020 just before the pandemic. Trust me, when she visited, her entire body was full of scaly eruptions. Even finding her pulse was a bit difficult. Lesions all over the body, mainly on her hands, back, neck, and legs, complains of excessive itching, discharge, and extreme pain. There was a pain in her small joints as well.She was skeptical about starting Ayushakti treatments.
I have explained to her the root cause of this aggravation in her body. In her case, it was the aggravation of Pitta (heat) and Vata (air). I had recommended Ayushakti herbs and suggested undergoing the “Skinotox” detox treatment. She was supposed to do the skinotox program, but due to the covid 19 pandemic she could not come down to Mumbai for the treatment. She took the Ayushakti herbs for 3 months and started taking them religiously with the specific diet.We were in constant communication over the video to analyze her progress.
In May 2020, during the regular video consultation, I found that she was pretty emotional, her stress level increased, and psoriatic lesions were very aggravated. I have increased her Psoriasis herbal medicine dosage to double, “Suniram, Skintonic, Ojas, Virechan and Sudarun lotion”. I put her on a stringent diet of no gluten, absolutely no dairy, no sour or citrus fruits, and no red meat or any other non-veg.She followed everything very strictly for three months. In August 2020, her symptoms reduced to almost 50%. The itching and lesions were reduced remarkably. Her skin was quite normal compared to March 2020.


By November 2020, she was 90% better, and her symptoms were almost gone. She has normal skin with no itching at all. She was very happy with these phenomenal results within 9 months. Dr. Priyanka Shukla, Ayushakti Doctor, Mumbai.
Ayushakti’s focused approach can effectively control acute or chronic old Psoriasis Lesions



Start your “freedom from YEARS OLD SKIN PROBLEMS” transformation NOW.


Can I take herbal supplements along with allopathic medications?

Yes, you can. Keep a 30 minutes gap between them.

Is there a guarantee for improving my health?

We have been helping people for the last 34 years from 108 countries, and our doctors have given more than a 4.5million consultations, helping people with 300 different kinds of symptoms. We work on the root cause of the problem, and 90% of people get effective results in their multiple health conditions.

How long will it take to relieve my symptoms?

As per our records and dozens of research published worldwide, most people find some relief in their symptoms within 15 days to 2 months following our program.

Is this treatment plan safe?

Our Treatment plan contains 6 proprietary 100% natural tools which are research-proven, safe, and effective.

Do you have case studies of people who got relieved from chronic symptoms?

Yes, we have thousands of happy clients’ stories who have remarkably relieved their chronic symptoms. There are also several case studies published in the UK and US-based international journals.

How do doctors consult & understand clients over the phone without personal meetings?

Our doctors have given more than 100,000 phone and video consultations. They are experts in analyzing the root cause of any health conditions through face-to-face or video consultation. They also check the reports and evaluate the detailed history of the symptoms. Once they analyze the root cause from an ancient point of view, they will plan the 3R steps for your complete healing using 6 proprietary tools.

Can Ayushakti doctors provide consultation for multiple health problems?

People come to natural healing as a last resort. That has made us experts in treating multiple problems by focussing on the root cause. As a result, multiple problems get naturally relieved.

Can Ayushakti doctors provide consultation for multiple health problems?

Are herbal medicines costly?

Ayushakti herbal formulas are made of 10 times concentrated potent extracts. That is why they are effective and produce results. We also test them on highly sophisticated machines to ensure every batch produced has the same efficacy. Additionally, we test every batch for heavy metals, pesticides, and microbial counts to ensure your safety. Our batches are controlled for quality by the European laboratory that makes it expensive but effective and safe. Besides, our ancient proven treatment programs have helped people stop needing allopathic medications for their whole life and prevent surgeries. Against those expenses, if you compare, the savings are huge.

Why should we buy medicines apart from home remedies given by doctors?

Ayushakti’s natural program includes 6 proprietary tools to create transformation at the root cause of your illness. These 6 tools work in synergy to create assured, long-lasting relief in your chronic symptoms based on our research on more than 1.5 million clients. The choice is yours. We never force anything.

Why is Ayushakti charging less for Phone/Video consultation?

AIn this pandemic, people cannot come to the clinic. So we want just to help them as our commitment is to create real vibrant health in your life.

How can we trust the Payment Link? Why can't it be Fake?

(Please add the safety of the payment details)

I am very old & don't have technology assistance. I cannot make payment. How can I go for a Phone/video consultation?

Not to worry. Our customer care assistant will help you over the phone to use the technology and make the payment easily using your own bank account details or anything handy for you. Call toll-free number or chat with to take personal help.

For a personal consultation, shall I carry any prior medical reports with me?

Bring or send us past medical reports/X-rays, if any. It will help Ayushakti doctors to analyze the diagnosis and plan a customized 3R treatment plan for your benefit.

Skin allergy, urticaria complete relief in 2 months

Ashvin Patkar

“I was having urticaria skin allergies on my hands. The itching and red patches was really embarrassing that I had to wear full sleeves to hide the allergies. The treatments I have tried gave some temporary relief but itching and allergies come back again and again. Then within 2 months of Ayushakti’s natural treatment, I have got 95% relief in the allergies. The red marks completely gone. Am still continuing the specific diet and herbs for deeper long term relief”.

2 years of frequent skin allergy relieved in 3 months


“I was getting frequent skin allergies in parts of my body. With Ayushakti’s treatment for 3 months, I have got 70% improvement.
The symptoms are very less now. I will continue the treatment for complete relief”.


Heard about Ayushakti, while looking for Ayurvedic treatment on my historical skin infection issue which was recurring for more than 3 years. After trying all sorts of permutations and combinations, visited Ayushakti and met Ayushakti Dr. Tushar Yadav. The experience was magical and the treatment was good. It took some time (say 2 to 3 months) but the results were found positive and satisfactory. I am completely satisfied and recommend visiting Ayushakti strongly.

Manoj Sawant

My treatment and service were very good and I feel very better from pain. My Ayushakti Dr. Ketki has explained very well. The service given by the staff was very good. So pls thank you for all.

Utkarsha Talekar

Treatment given is excellent and the most important thing is the behavior of people. All are good in nature, friendly, and caring. Thank you so much for everything Ayushakti Treatment staff.

Smrutika Dekate


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